Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy Payment Portal
* Payment Type:
Site Use
Private Security
Certificate Reissue
The payment type is required.
The payment type may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
* Name:
The name is required.
The name may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
The name may not contain a credit card number.
* Invoice or School Number:
The invoice or school number is required.
The invoice or school number may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
The invoice or school number may not contain a credit card number.
* Payment Amount:
The payment amount is required.
The payment amount is not valid.
The payment amount may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
The payment amount may not contain a credit card number.
* Additional Information:
The additional information is required.
The additional information may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
The additional information may not contain a credit card number.
Technical Support
If you need technical support for this online payment processing application, please send an email to
. You may also reach us at 740-845-2180.