Lourdes Physician Group
* Account Number:
The account number is required.
The account number may not contain a credit card number.
Account number must start with "10" and be 11 digits in length
* First Name As Listed on Bill:
The first name is required.
The first name may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
The first name as listed on bill may not contain a credit card number.
* Last Name As Listed on Bill:
The last name is required
The last name may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
The last name as listed on bill may not contain a credit card number.
* Patient First Name
(If different from Guarantor):
The patient first name is required
The patient first name may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
The patient first name may not contain a credit card number.
* Patient Last Name
(If different from Guarantor):
The patient last name is required
The patient last name may not contain the semicolon (';') character.
The patient last name may not contain a credit card number.
* Payment Amount:
The payment amount is required.
The payment amount is not valid.
The payment amount may not contain a credit card number.
For customer service or to reach Lourdes Physician Group billing office, please call 855-435-1426 or 225-765-5727.