Online Patient Payment Center
Welcome to the Coffee Regional Medical Center Online Payment Center. You may pay your hospital bills here by credit, debit or flexible spending account (FSA) card.
For your convenience, please complete the payment form below. Items marked with an asterisk (*) require completion before submission. For more information you may contact Patient Financial Services, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM, at (912) 383-5614. All payments are via secure server. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.
This will greatly assist us in ensuring that your payment is posted correctly.
The patient number or PFS ID is required.
The patient number may not contain a credit card number.
First and last name of patient treated.
The patient name is required.
The patient name may not contain a credit card number.
The patient’s birth date is required.
The patient’s birth date is not valid.
The patient’s birth date may not contain a credit card number.
Please provide a phone number where you can be reached if we have any questions or issues with this transaction. (Example: 912-384-1900)
The phone number is required.
The phone number may not contain a credit card number.
If you would like to provide additional information on how you want this payment posted, please do so here (128 characters maxium).
The length is more than 128 characters.
The comments may not contain a credit card number.
The payment amount is required.
The payment amount is not valid.
The payment amount may not contain a credit card number.
Technical Support
For assistance with Online Bill Pay, please contact CRMC Patient Financial Services at 912-383-5614.